Stacey + Jerremy’s Forest Glenn Wedding | Illinois Photographer
Stacey & Jerremy
Being a part of their wedding ‘journey’ has been nothing short of amazing,
I’ve shared in their moments of joy and the moments where their hearts were saddened.
If you know these two you know why I’m calling their wedding a ‘journey’ 🙂
 If not I’ll explain a little <3
They held a mock ceremony earlier this year so that Stacey could have her little brother Josh
by her side watching because he has been very ill and in/out of the
hospital most of the year sadly.
He is very important to the both of them of course so I felt a profound sense of necessity to
capture those moments for them. I felt it was important to talk about that here in this blog
because thankfully Josh was doing better by the time June came and their wedding date
was here he still wasn’t able to make it and I know Stacey very much wanted him a part .
(not sharing from the mock wedding out of respect as those images are dear to the family)
So when June came it was an beautiful day for a Forest Glenn Wedding.
The sun was beaming and everyone that came was extremely happy to be a part
of their day. We enjoy seeing guests so happy for our couples & willing to be so
involved in helping their day come to life. Stacey & Jerremy are such a
warm, glowing, funny couple though so I didn’t expect anything different.
They had a potluck reception and it turned out so amazing! The food was delicious.
I absolutely loved Stacey’s BOHO look it was perfect for her. And in case you forgot
SHE MADE her own wedding gown! #swoon
Here are some images from their first look & a few more 🙂

First look moments | Forest Glenn Wedding

Beautiful BOHO bride | Central Illinois

Wedding images at Forest Glenn Preserve
I hope you’ve enjoyed these images from Stacey & Jerremy’s Forest Glenn Wedding, I’d love for you to follow (subscribe) to the blog to see future wedding and other goodness as it’s posted.
 Until next time,
Getting married?
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