Fall more in love with me Monday | Illinois & Wisconsin Photographer
This morning I woke up from an awesome weekend with my little family. We traveled to the dells and to Madison for meeting up with clients this weekend. It was amazing to say the least but Monday has soon kicked in. Back to work, orders, scheduling upcoming meetings, sessions that sort of thing. I’m way more blessed than I even realize sometimes, although I’d like to think my clients always know just how much they are all loved. 🙂
Before this surge of energy for getting stuff done came about me I was thinking back to something I noticed this weekend. It brought me down to say the least. Yes this happens and since I have a ton of photographer friends, so I can say with confidence that I know we all do it we just don’t post on it. It can be extremely difficult to over come if you’re not careful. You could spend an entire day, days in a slump even thinking about how subpar you are, how you meant to meet a better quota this month, how your ideas seem to fail or even worst, how someone else did something exactly like you for the 30 millionth time. It can feel like your joy & work is taken away. It sucks & that’s exactly how it feels even though in retrospect it’s not true, it’s not ever true. These things stop you in your tracks, even if it is just for moments or a day. That time is much better spent refocusing.
I’m not gonna let it get me, I am going to refocus & create even more new & exciting things, I’m NEVER going to STOP creating, I am never going to stop believing. Am I posting about it yes, so don’t think me too hypocritical yet. Don’t think me a hater for finally voicing something that stings because we all have those things, I’m posting because I know I have friends or people I’ve never even met that will need this motivation in their life. When any of this happens I realize I HAVE to find a way to get my game back on, when you stop even for a moment you are inviting failure & that’s just completely unacceptable. I hope you hear me, I’m acting like your parent would here 🙂 I say these things to myself in the moments of feeling doubt & defeat. I think of my Dad & what he would say if I could call him & talk over the stress of it all.. He’d tell me ‘Stacey Anne’ just stop. So, I’m calling out to you, stop!
Take 30 minutes today and just check out the growth you’ve made in your path.. Let’s make it a ‘ Fall more in love with me Monday !’ I give you permission to be excited about you, and proud of you. Don’t ever stop taking the time to do this!
Things I have on my list that you can put on yours:
1. Go look at your old works or accomplishments (I did and I was seeing so many favorite moments I’ve captured, ideas I came up with) Share an old image you took to your pages!
2. Think of your own 5 ideas (or again use mine) , things you can do by the end of the day to make you feel accomplished.
3. Go out today and create just for you! ( I did this last week even though I wasn’t upset at all about anything, I was in love with my results but I’m also doing it again today!)
4. Find something constructive to do, a big project that will make you feel queen/king of your realm again!
5. Easier said than done BUT Reclaim the pride and joy you had in all of your creations because they are YOURS never someone else’s. Your hard work, will always be your hard work & shame on them for trying to steal your joy away!

My ‘fall more in love with me’ image from last week
Until Next time,